The Chinese Wall Security Policy and other papers written by our founders

  “IMS-Smart On-Line is indeed a product of the 21st Century”, as an ISO/IEC 27001/ISO 9001 assessor said at the conclusion of an initial audit in 2008

The Chinese Wall Security Policy

Brewer, D.F.C., and Nash, M. J.,  Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Research in Security and Privacy, Oakland, California, 1st - 3rd May, 1989, available on this site.


Measuring the effectiveness of an internal control system

Dr. David Brewer and William List, CA, Hon FBCS, 2004, first published a Gamma Secure Systems Limited, now available on this site.


Opportunity Exploitation Plans

Dr David Brewer, William List CA, FBCS, CITP, 2005, first published a Gamma Secure Systems Limited, now available on this site.


Exploiting an Integrated Management System

Dr David Brewer MIOD, Dr Michael Nash FBCS, William List CA, hon. FBCS, 2005, first published a Gamma Secure Systems Limited, now available on this site.


Insights into the ISO/IEC 27001 Annex A

Dr David Brewer FBCS, Dr Michael Nash FBCS, December 2010, first published a Gamma Secure Systems Limited, now available on this site.


A tale of BS 7799-2 certification

Dr David Brewer 2004, first published a Gamma Secure Systems Limited, now available on this site.