Our founders have over twenty years’ involvement with ISO management system standards

  “IMS-Smart On-Line is indeed a product of the 21st Century”, as an ISO/IEC 27001/ISO 9001 assessor said at the conclusion of an initial audit in 2008


IMS-Smart Limited was founded in June 2008 in order to pursue the founders’ interests in internal control and integrated management systems. Our founders have all been involved in the ISO management system standards arena for over twenty years and have been active researchers in the field of internal control since the beginning of the millennium. They are co-authors of numerous standards, including the original versions of ISO/IEC 27001 and ISO/IEC 15408.

Their research into internal control was initiated in January 2000, seeking first to put ISO 9001 on a risk management footing. This led to the development of the hypertext framework, now used in IMS-Smart On-Line. The time theory was published in April 2004. Work proceeded to develop an architecture for systems of internal control and the first reports were published over the period October 2005 to February 2006. All of this work has now been refined through practical experience and is published on this website.

The objective of IMS-Smart Limited is to develop and support the IMS-Smart philosophy and its associated Productised IP-led Service and technology. The IMS-Smart Productised IP-led Service is the means to apply the IMS-Smart philosophy in order to construct an IMS. This task is a mixture of consultancy and training and is now available directly from ourselves.

We regard a management system first and foremost as a management capability and a primary objective of that Productised IP-led Service is therefore to establish and sustain that management capability. The creation of an IMS-Smart conformant management system has hitherto only been undertaken by ourselves, or people trained by us, as part of our Productised IP-led Service. However, with the advent of our cloud based services this is changing.

For further information please contact us

IMS-Smart Limited is a Company registered in England and Wales, Registered Number 06630803. The registered address is 8 Peterborough Road, Middlesex HA1 2BQ, United Kingdom.

Dr David Brewer, one of our founders, is a member of the BSI Associate Consultant Programme, registered for ISO/IEC 27001, ISO/IEC 27701, ISO 22301 and ISO 9001; a member of ISO/IEC JTC1 SC27 WG1 (the international committee responsible for ISO/IEC 27001 and its supporting standards; and chair of the BSI Shadow Committee, IST/33/1.